- Children's Church meets every Sunday during the regular morning worship. We provide a bible-based lesson with age-appropriate activities, snack and a safe environment led by educators for children 3 to 12 years.
- Teen Summit meets every 2nd and 4th Sunday following praise & worship for young people 13-19 with the intent of providing relevant interaction and teaching for teens who are seeking and developing an active relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Campus Ministries are designed to support young people attending one of our are colleges or universities and provide engagement with our church.
- Young Adult ministry activities are planned to meet the spiritual, educational and social needs of young people up to age 35. Those over 35 continue to serve as leaders and advisers.
- The ABYPU service is held each 3rd Sunday at 4:30 PM and other activities are planned throughout each month.
Deacon Brandon Spencer, ABYPU President
Sister Phebe Eley, Children's Church Director
Minister Trell Allen, Junior Pastor for Youth and Campus Ministries